Yuva Seva Shakti

Are you ready to help them? Let's become a volunteer!

Yuva Seva Shakti

Jaunpur Seva Star

Yuva Seva Shakti

Exciting rewards for top performers!

₹10,000 Awarded Daily for Top Performer with Most Cards
Yuva Seva Shakti

Read more about the competition below

Details Below

Registration Form

Register here for PM-JAY Competition. Already Registered ? Login here.

Yuva Seva Shakti

What is the contest?

The PM-JAY scheme is a health insurance/healthcare scheme by the Indian government aimed at providing coverage to economically vulnerable families. The Ayushmann Bharat card, or PM-JAY card, allows beneficiaries to access healthcare services. Recently, the scheme has been expanded to include all people above 70. [PM Vay Vandana Yojana]

In the Jaunpur Seva Star Contest, Residents of Jaunpur will compete to issue all of its 70+ citizens PM-JAY [Vay Vandana] cards.

Participant who makes Max Cards In A Day becomes Jaupur Seva Star and wins ₹10,000 at end of the day.

The contest will run for 30 Days, and there will be 30 Winners; 1 winner each day.

Yuva Seva Shakti

Guide to Competition

1. How to Participate in the Competition?
  • Go to “Competitions” Page of the website
  • Fill out Registration form Click here
  • After Registration, Login Click here
  • Start logging the PM-JAY Cards that you have made!
2. What proofs/info do I need to submit?
1. Screenshot of Beneficiary’s Ayushman App Screen before you make the PM-JAY Card as shown below:

2. Screenshot of Beneficiary’s Ayushman App Screen after you make the PM-JAY Card as shown below:

3. Take printouts of the flyer explaining the benefits of PM-JAY[Vay Vandana] and how to utilise it.

4. Give the flyer to the beneficiary, and take a selfie with you, them and the flyer. Upload it on instagram & tag @yuvasevashakti and @abhishek_as_it_is. Copy and paste the link of the instagram post in our application. Once all the proofs have been uploaded, submit

3. How do I make a PM-JAY [Vay Vandana] Card? What is the process?
Video Guide to PM-JAY [Vay Vandana] Card Creation

Note: In the part where you have to enter the “Aadhar OTP” along with Mobile OTP, it is reported that Aadhar OTP does not arrive in many of the cases. So, you can use face ID as detailed in this video.

Yuva Seva Shakti

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who can participate in this contest?

The contest is open to all residents of Jaunpur, UP. No prior experience is required—only commitment to serving beneficiaries!

2. What do you need to participate?

You need to have a digital device [mobile phone/computer] with which you can make PM-JAY cards for beneficiaries

3. What counts as a "valid" PM-JAY [Vay Vandana] Card?

A valid card is one that:

  • Is created for a beneficiary eligible under PM-JAY SECC 2011 criteria.
  • Is newly generated during the contest period (not pre-existing).
  • Has the screenshots we require as proof

Any attempts at fraud will lead to immediate disqualification.

4. How do I check if a beneficiary is eligible for PM-JAY [Vay Vandana]?

Every citizen above the age of 70 is eligible for the PM-JAY Vay Vandana scheme.

5. What documents are needed to create an PM-JAY [Vay Vandana] Card ?

Beneficiaries typically require:
Aadhaar card or ration card.
Mobile number linked to Aadhaar (for OTP verification).

6. Can I work in a team?

This is an individual event

7. What if two participants have the same number of cards?

In case of a tie, the contestants sharing the top rank will split the prize money.

8. Is there a fee to participate?

No! Participation is free and open to all.

9. What if I face technical issues during submission?

Email yuvasevashakti@gmail.com or call 7800011101 for assistance. Include screenshots of the error for faster resolution.

10. Can I promote this contest on social media?

Absolutely! Tag Instagram Linkedin Facebook X for reshares. Use hashtags like #AyushmanBharatChallenge and #HealthForAll.

11. Are government employees eligible to participate?

Yes Government Employees,CSC Functionaries etc are encouraged to participate

12. How can I track my progress?

Use the contest dashboard (link shared post-registration) to log entries and monitor your rank in real-time.